Monday 9 June 2014

The day in the life of a journo!

I very rarely lose my temper as a journalist, despite having a short fuse in every day life, however on Saturday despite showing early signs on calmness, I lost my rag a little.
After starting my radio show Robins Radio, I didn't feel it would get off the ground, however I was very wrong.
Five shows in and over 1000 views later and I am seeing this as a very serious venture here with a lot of people jumping on board.
However we suffered a set back at the weekend. We had a show scheduled with Chris Coleman, but after a three and a half hour journey I was informed the Welsh boss wasn't attending due to illness.
Originally I was unfazed as I had to concentrate on our first show which went off well.
However in the hours after I was livid at having to travel all that way, but I didn't have anything against Coleman, the league or the FAW as it couldn't be helped.
But it would have been nice to have known 24 hours in advance, however that is how it goes sometimes.
I want to confirm that this will not effect our shows though and we will be back in a months time to kick off an even better season.
This is just a post to inform aspiring journalists that sometimes you will travel miles for no reason what so ever so get used to it.
Despite this we have another top guest in the pipeline which I hope to confirm later in the coming months.
Have a good close season!

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